Courage doesn’t always roar; Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying… “I will try again tomorrow“
To manage to face this new moment and allow room for new ideas and for energy to be renewed, it is necessary to have courage. Courage to face prejudices. Courage to be fair. Courage to understand that everything we do affects the history of the world. Courage to take steps in the direction of the unknown, even knowing that from time to time we are going to make mistakes.
God has done his part by creating us and putting us in the world. Now He looks down on us with love and asks us to do our part.
To manage to face this new moment and allow room for new ideas and for energy to be renewed, it is necessary to have courage. Courage to face prejudices. Courage to be fair. Courage to understand that everything we do affects the history of the world. Courage to take steps in the direction of the unknown, even knowing that from time to time we are going to make mistakes.
God has done his part by creating us and putting us in the world. Now He looks down on us with love and asks us to do our part.
Hey Happy .....
so nice motie here are my view ;)
Courage is what it takes for a small child to show his father the report card in which he has failed in 2 subjects. it power to admit our follies. As for new ideas we all like reading about them but really we lack courage to follow them. we wait for others to fail in tham before trying for our self. But i think we miss the beauty of the one trying it first of all.
love n regards
Randeep Singh virk
Randeep Singh virk
"courage"courage is to do what YOU want in this world......when you know that our society has so many norms dat you r xpected to follow.......courage...to know that things mite go completely wrong....and u'l c no 1 standing next to you!!!!courage to STAND ALL ALONE.....when u hear the world sayin and beliving " dat no man is an island ,no man stands alone"courage:when mahatma gandhi chose AHINSA to fight GUNS!COURAGE: hahaha....

could b as SIMPLE as tryin out a new DISH ...which is completely unheard of b4.....in a very costly resturant!!!!:P:P
courage is HAPPY.....wel she decides to b d way she is ,knowing daat she is different 4m others but THE BEST!only courageous ppl at the end of their lives can say dat they have 'LIVED' because rest just "EXIST"
DAS Y I SAY HAPPY S DIFRNT N D BEST!lookin forward to see more such initiations :):)
may god bless d best girl in d world!!!!
Courage is not something that comes from flying to your heart in moments of need or in emergencies. Courage is not something that can be handed over to you through lessons either.
Courage is a way of life. It is as much a habit as anything else. Like getting up and brushing your teeth in the morning, or drinking coffee.
It’s a matter of routine more than anything else. People tend to speak of courage only in terms of deeds. For instance, they might speak of courage in the battlefield. Soldiers and policemen are supposed to show courage. Or they might refer to courage in the face of devastation. Flood-affected people or earthquake victims must show courage.
Courage is a way of life. It is as much a habit as anything else. Like getting up and brushing your teeth in the morning, or drinking coffee.
It’s a matter of routine more than anything else. People tend to speak of courage only in terms of deeds. For instance, they might speak of courage in the battlefield. Soldiers and policemen are supposed to show courage. Or they might refer to courage in the face of devastation. Flood-affected people or earthquake victims must show courage.
Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it.
The sign of a courageous person, then, is someone who is feels, fear, recognizes fear and still goes on to do what he or she believes is right.With courage you can achieve your aims and also win heart of your loved ones.
The sign of a courageous person, then, is someone who is feels, fear, recognizes fear and still goes on to do what he or she believes is right.With courage you can achieve your aims and also win heart of your loved ones.
Mahesh Kale
Jeetu Sir ;)
So appropriate these words are, not just to the new year in general, but also to the specific circumstances I find myself facing at this particular moment in my life, I think I’d like to paint these words around my door-facing. Then, on the inside center panel of the door, about eye-level, two simple words:
So that every day, when I step out over that threshold into the big wide world, I will be reminded to first open my heart to the infinite array of possibilities coming my way.
So appropriate these words are, not just to the new year in general, but also to the specific circumstances I find myself facing at this particular moment in my life, I think I’d like to paint these words around my door-facing. Then, on the inside center panel of the door, about eye-level, two simple words:
So that every day, when I step out over that threshold into the big wide world, I will be reminded to first open my heart to the infinite array of possibilities coming my way.
Mr . Jagdeep Verma
to show your soul “to” the world or to “share” it with the world
Keep it up
Garima Batra
I would love to have more courage.In case of doubt I often lack courage to take important decicions.Anyone knows how to get more courage?I need it.
it takes the courage of a child to simply live and be.that is the courage of non courage, thus it is true courage. it is simply action with out thought. pure actionless action.(text is copied ;) ;))
I discovered that the most courageous people used to be some the most inferiority complexed teeangers in the past, but they won the inner fights and now they are models for the humanity
“God has done his part by creating us and putting us in the world. Now He looks down on us with love and asks us to do our part.”I totally agree with this idea, and used to make the mistake of thinking that God could do something for the bitter manifestations of anger onto our Earth. But you are true, Happy, We have all we need to walk well, and do good deeds… It’s up to us, God made His work.
Courage is lighter to have when love carries us forward on our path.
Courage is lighter to have when love carries us forward on our path.
Ammu(Sarita Krishnamurti)
Oye hoye ..wah wah ...ahem ahem
kitna likhte ho kaise likhte ho ?kya karoge itna likh ker :P
chalo humne likh dia jo likhna tha ..now show ur courage to publish dis crap.lolz!!!
Naughty Sanjeev bhaiya
“Courage is resistance to fear, not absence of fear.”
According to me courage is something that u can define as a power which forces u to do ne thing u want.
It can mean a lot of different things like rising to a challenge,
persevering in pursuit of a goal, standing up for what we believe in, and
We can show our courage by keeping a positive attitude, persevering and
not losing heart,
As a Cartoon lover I would like to give example of one of my favorite cartoon character “Courage”……
According to me courage is something that u can define as a power which forces u to do ne thing u want.
It can mean a lot of different things like rising to a challenge,
persevering in pursuit of a goal, standing up for what we believe in, and
We can show our courage by keeping a positive attitude, persevering and
not losing heart,
As a Cartoon lover I would like to give example of one of my favorite cartoon character “Courage”……

Courage is a dog , who’s owner is Muriel Bagge , living together in a farmhouse in the middle of the town of Nowhere….
Courage is afraid of monsters, aliens villains etc etc…..
When Muriel is attacked by any of them….. Then instead of his typical feats of strength he overcomes his fears to save Muriel.
I think that’s the real courage….
Courage is afraid of monsters, aliens villains etc etc…..
When Muriel is attacked by any of them….. Then instead of his typical feats of strength he overcomes his fears to save Muriel.
I think that’s the real courage….
COURAGE.. for me i wil define it as a decision wen u know wat u want and the world is against ur demand.. still u go for it. bcoz u know u will get it..
ur decision which u show.. wen u r on particularly gud thing.. still u r not satisfied with tat.. and u ask for more..
like a child wants to do something big which is not meant for him for the particular age.. still he know he can do..
so believe in ur decision whether the world is with u or not.. and implement ur deciosion.. tat is wat i call courage
ur decision which u show.. wen u r on particularly gud thing.. still u r not satisfied with tat.. and u ask for more..
like a child wants to do something big which is not meant for him for the particular age.. still he know he can do..
so believe in ur decision whether the world is with u or not.. and implement ur deciosion.. tat is wat i call courage
Courage is a fabulous force of nature that allows us to harness and unleash our being at the same time.It is a call to action like no other. It provides each person on this planet with an endless source of power and access to their being.Have the courage to attain a vision and you can manifest your own destiny always.Courage is the common thread that links all our virtues, values and priorities and brings us into being as a force to be reckoned.Without it we waiver. With it we achieve.Combine consciousness, integrity and courage individually and collectively throughout the world and peace will always prevail.Courage by nature is not forceful or unkind and, courage is always capable of conquering without firing a shot.There are consequences for those who misuse courage and rewards for those whom apply it humbly and lovingly.Check your courage and check it often. Check it with those around you.Apply your courage vigorously, unselfishly and relentlessly.Life's reward will be a life worth living. Those who have fallen will rise again,And those who have risen will fall.It's something so steady that, through all this pain,There is lasting courage for all!Courage, my friend! Courage will keep youLaughing, and standing up tall.For, while you believe, and keep right on working,Your courage will cushion your fall!its courage when u fall in love,its courage when u are caught in a building with fire and u jump from 3 floors thinking u will survive....and at last its courage when u commit a suicide
well all said lets go to funnier side of it(at least for me) courage is holding a girls hand in front of her father and saying her that u love her,,,,,well its enuf for now on courage,,,,
Hemanth Soni
Courage is life. It is courage that takes you through odd phases in life. It is courage that makes you to stand up and walk even when you are badly hit. For every person there will be a different meaning for courage, every body has his own perception, his own taste and what ever one pens down is some way related to the what that person is going thru at that point of time.
For me courage is not taking the first bullet, its not jumpin from Mountains but it is accepting yourself.
It is accepting that this is my fuckin decision, my happiness is screwed and let me handle it, I am responsible for what I am facing and let me face the consequences. Courage should be to accept I have been screwed, I have been dejected, I am a loser and move on. Not put a blame on God, put a blame on fate….. No I didn’t ask god before doing anythn and neither did he suggest, then y is he responsible. At the end of the day it is not family, not friends but u who has to face watevr comes ur way.They can only provide sympathy and that is what a loser expects. Face like a man whatevr comes ur way… U can lose hope but not courage, u can even afford to lose world but not courage and wen u lose it make sure u close ur eyes. I think this is enf………….
Owais Ahmad
For me courage is not taking the first bullet, its not jumpin from Mountains but it is accepting yourself.
It is accepting that this is my fuckin decision, my happiness is screwed and let me handle it, I am responsible for what I am facing and let me face the consequences. Courage should be to accept I have been screwed, I have been dejected, I am a loser and move on. Not put a blame on God, put a blame on fate….. No I didn’t ask god before doing anythn and neither did he suggest, then y is he responsible. At the end of the day it is not family, not friends but u who has to face watevr comes ur way.They can only provide sympathy and that is what a loser expects. Face like a man whatevr comes ur way… U can lose hope but not courage, u can even afford to lose world but not courage and wen u lose it make sure u close ur eyes. I think this is enf………….
Owais Ahmad