My mom dad(I take care of my mother and I feel lonely without her conversation too) , Tutions,Pizzas :P. I have no idea how many things i gona miss.......think I'll miss the built in social network that comes with college. When I'm looking for something to do I can just call any of my friends and go out. But when we graduated, we're all scattered to Gurgaon,Delhi,B'lore ,Hyd ,Pune ..Fbd, or even further. My friends will no longer be within a five minute drive . I'm also going to miss Kutiya's Prashaad. I'm pretty sure dats responsible for any weight I've gained :P
- Seeing a new city and getting lost
- then actually figuring out where I am and getting to where I want to be.
I'm not going to miss...
- Crappy crowd
- Looking the wrong way for traffic ...
But I miss...
- Work - really! I miss helping frnds , hanging with ppl.
- Free Internet - Ok, I guess it's not free, but how about Unlimited Intenet?
- My Scooty. My feet hurt......my accidents
- My friends. I miss hanging with friends.
What I'll miss most is how easy it is to gather a big group of my friends together and go out .. Even though I know we will still keep in touch, from now on it will be much harder to get everyone together. However, I will cherish all of the memories that I have made with my friends over the years and will always appreciate how my experiences have allowed me to grow and become a much stronger person than I was four years ago.
I'm gona miss many many many things :) :(
Happy always :) :) :) :)