Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I bought myself a new polish

I bought myself a new polish… I've been a nail-biter my entire life - a bad one, but after a full month of not biting my nails, I'd say I'm successfully "cured". I would bite to the point of pain, and honestly never understood why I kept doing it. Having perfect nails was never a huge priority for me. Special thanks to my lovely husband, he helped me achieve which I was trying for years now. He kept reminding me, it’s a bad omen more like you are creating good things and then destroying them yourself... and then I decided why not try to stop biting? It wasn't a huge decision for me, but it just happened to fall at the right time. Once I got through a week, I was like, "I can do this!" So I did! It's not to say I haven't struggled with it, but it was relatively easy to stop. Now, I'm so in love with my new nails and how much they add to my outfits. Plus, they are pain-free now! I tried to think of when and why I'd bite my nails crazily. Usually it was in a stressed state when I was in over my head, or when I was scared or nervous like Ganguly during "cricket matches". I comprehended those conditions weren't going to go away, so I needed to try new things. The biggest thing that aided me was painting nails almost every day. I don't like the taste of nail-paint, and just having them painted all the time was a constant reminder to not bite. I really enjoyed the process of watching my nails grow, so that inspired me in itself! Keep them painted and recoat often. This was my number one help in cracking the pattern. Not only were they too pretty to bite, I hated the taste of polish. Plus, it was a constant reminder of my goal. Every week I was successful in not biting. One of my biggest issues was biting when I was nervous or deep thinking. When a situation arose, instead of biting, I would sit with my hands folded. It helped! I am really inspired by how pretty they look and most likely, I’ll keep going. I’ve done it :) Happy :))

1 comment:

Unknown said...


This is not the reason behind nail polishing of toenails